Module nujo.init.basic

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from numpy import empty as np_empty
from numpy import full as np_full

from nujo.autodiff.tensor import Tensor

__all__ = [

# ====================================================================================================

def empty(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[empty]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, without initializing entries.

    return Tensor(np_empty(shape), diff=diff, name=name)

def full(*shape: int,
         name='Tensor[full]]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with `fill_value`.

    return Tensor(np_full(shape, fill_value), diff=diff, name=name)

# ====================================================================================================

def ones(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with ones.

    return full(*shape, fill_value=1, diff=diff, name=name)

def ones_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor:
    return ones(*x.shape, diff=diff, name=name)

# ====================================================================================================

def zeros(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with zeros.

    return full(*shape, fill_value=0, diff=diff, name=name)

def zeros_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor:
    return zeros(*x.shape, diff=diff, name=name)

# ====================================================================================================


def empty(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[empty]') -> Tensor

Return a new Tensor of given shape, without initializing entries.

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def empty(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[empty]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, without initializing entries.

    return Tensor(np_empty(shape), diff=diff, name=name)
def full(*shape: int, fill_value=0, diff=False, name='Tensor[full]]') -> Tensor

Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with fill_value.

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def full(*shape: int,
         name='Tensor[full]]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with `fill_value`.

    return Tensor(np_full(shape, fill_value), diff=diff, name=name)
def ones(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor

Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with ones.

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def ones(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with ones.

    return full(*shape, fill_value=1, diff=diff, name=name)
def ones_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor
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def ones_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[ones]') -> Tensor:
    return ones(*x.shape, diff=diff, name=name)
def zeros(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor

Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with zeros.

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def zeros(*shape: int, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor:
    ''' Return a new Tensor of given shape, filled with zeros.

    return full(*shape, fill_value=0, diff=diff, name=name)
def zeros_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor
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def zeros_like(x: Tensor, diff=False, name='Tensor[zeros]') -> Tensor:
    return zeros(*x.shape, diff=diff, name=name)